The Regulator Board is responsible for overseeing the compliance of its Regulations which establish, among others, the requirements for the cultivation, control and production of Bierzo wines protected by the Designation of Origin.
The Regulator Board obtained the accreditation of the Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC, National Accreditation Body) in February 2021, which made it the first Designation of Origin in Castile-Leon for wines with the ability to certify the production of wine according to the UNE-EN ISO 17065 international quality standard for product certification.
This accreditation reinforces the commitment to guaranteeing the quality of the Designation of Origin and its wine cellars with the most demanding systems of international quality, which means a guarantee of confidence for consumers.
It controls the origin of its production, this being the 22 affiliated municipalities of the DO Bierzo: Arganza, Bembibre, Borrenes, Cabañas Raras, Cacabelos, Camponaraya, Carracedelo, Carucedo, Castropodame, Congosto, Corullón, Cubillos del Sil, Molinaseca, Noceda, Ponferrada, Priaranza, Puente Domingo Flórez, Sancedo, Vega de Espinareda, Villadecanes, Toral de los Vados and Villafranca del Bierzo.
After the modification of the Terms and Conditions in 2019, 10 new municipalities that were wine-growing areas in the past were included: Benuza, Berlanga del Bierzo, Fabero, Folgoso de la Ribera, Igueña, Oencia, Sobrado, Toreno, Torre del Bierzo and Trabadelo.